“For those who are coming into this Work, the present training is really a finishing school or experience.”
“Never before except in the secret retreats has such intensified, transcendent Instruction concerning the “I AM” been given to individuals.”
Phoenix, Arizona
“For those who are coming into this Work, the present training is really a finishing school or experience.”
“Never before except in the secret retreats has such intensified, transcendent Instruction concerning the “I AM” been given to individuals.”
"Beloved Saint Germain illumined and raised His Body in 1684.”
"He was anointed as the “God of Freedom” to this Earth
and the “Lord of the Violet Flame”.
“The moment your attention is upon your Great Source of Life, the” Mighty I AM Presence,” that very moment your Ascension has begun!
Every moment you give earnest, sincere attention to your “Presence,” you are increasing, intensifying your climb to Its Goal. This is the Goal of all Life!“
- Beloved Master Jesus
By the use of the Violet Consuming Flame any human being can Free himself or herself. It is the Flame that will one day cleanse the Earth.
"I will never give you anything but Verifiable Law, and I will never tell you anything you cannot prove."
- Beloved Saint Germain
Join “I AM” Students all around the world to expand your inner Light and help raise the world with powerful Decree-work and an ever-increasing consciousness.
Understand how it all began by reading Volumes 1 though 3 in the Saint Germain Series.
“You can read all the books on this Earth, and you will not find the Radiation in any, that you find in the Saint Germain Series, or the Voice of the “I AM”, or in the Dictations on these Records, regardless of all mankind put together.“
– Beloved Saint Germain
Volumes 1-20 of the Saint Germain Series are available for free use while in our “I AM” Reading Room.
Currently open by appointment only, contact information at the bottom of the page.
Open sundays, 12-1.
“Through the powerfully charged Vibratory Action of the Books, you will anchor within yourselves the exact Truth which is recorded there.”
– Beloved Lady Master Nada
“You could read those Discourses every day for the next ten thousand years, and every time you read them there would be more Light and Cosmic Explanations.”
- Mighty Victory
“They were once my children.”
– Saint Germain
“I will not choose anyone else through whom to give forth these instructions.”
– Saint Germain
Mrs. G.W Ballard, There is no mediumship.
“New people are entitled to know the difference between that which is the custom of the outer world in spiritualistic channels, and that which is the direct contact with the Ascended Masters.
- Mrs. G. W. Ballard
We as individuals can give great help and service to mankind by joining together, in “I AM” Group Meetings. There is greater power in numbers, and greater energy is released when the power of many decreeing can be offered as One Flame.
“Every time you give Assistance to any condition, 60% is anchored in your world ”
- Great Cosmic Angel
“You cannot quite understand yet, unless you see from the Inner Level what Its ever-increasing Intensifying Power is doing in your own Life Streams, your city, your Nation, and the world.”
- Beloved Saint Germain
There are hundreds of “I AM” Temples and Sanctuaries located in most principal cities, throughout America and the world.
“A little child four or five years old can call forth the Light of its “Presence” with tremendous Power – easier than most grown-ups because the child’s mind is not filled with a lot of human sense limitations.”
The “I AM” Temple in Phoenix is lovingly dedicated to the Goddess of Purity.